Home One to One Counselling
One to One Counselling
Counselling is fairly a new concept and it stemmed from the guidance. It is generally carried out or conducted face to face in person. A trained counsellor conducts the session with a student and his family members. The session is more like interview and discussion rather than a discourse by the counsellor. Psychometric test reports are mostly quite self-explanatory as far as the facts and figures are concerned, but there is more to it. A trained and certified counsellor can read understand and infer more from the reports than a student and parents.
Many a times report is indicating a child with high abilities, but the child is not scoring as much, so there could be underlying issues that counsellor can ask certain questions from the student and parents to figure out the root cause.
During the course of discussion counsellor can also suggest/prescribe measures which can be helpful for the students in achieving the desired results. A student might need few tips on Time Management and Prioritization or effective study skills but this can only be figured out during the one to one counselling session. It is always a good idea to go for a one-to-one counselling session to eliminate all the doubts or misconceptions a student might have due to many prevalent reasons.
Most of the times teenagers and youngsters are not able to share their views, thoughts and ideas with their own parents and guardians, as they fear that they will be judged or misunderstood, but they can very well open their heart to a professional counsellor as they are sure that this person is qualified to understand and help them.
One to one counselling sessions are a good way to rule out the ambiguities that might appear in the perception of the report or the most suitable choices.